Welcome to O2!

A new way to store and organize your personal data.

O2 is a safe and flexible archive for personal data, such as contacts, accounts, credit cards, Wi-Fi settings, and everything that comes to your mind.

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Organize your data with the flexibility of the object model.

An object can be a contact, an account, a credit card, and so on. Customize each object with the fields that you need. The only limit is your imagination!

Add features with the rules.

Hide sensitive data like passwords and PINs, create custom web links, highlight values that meet certain criteria, mark dates as events (expiration dates or recurrences), and more.

Pair couples of objects with the relations.

Define also their roles within each relation, e.g. husband-wife, parent-child, company-employee, etc.

See what's next.

Switch to sorting by event dates with just one click to know your upcoming activities.

Find what you need.

Search by object name, event dates, tags, rules.

Import, export and print.

Import from other O2 files or XML documents. Export to other O2 files, XML documents or iCalendar files (supported by most of the digital calendars). Print or create a web page with the details of your selection.

Protect your privacy.

Choose from several encryption algorithms to secure your data.

Bring your data always with you.

The portable version can be installed on your favorite removable media and it's compatible with the PortableApps.com format™.

It's Open Source Software, baby.

You can contribute to the development of this software by writing code, translating it into your language or simply sharing your ideas.